unit 2 exam answers
1a) Three months to get the app finished - users need to be able to upload a photo - users should be able to try on outfits - appeal to 16-30 year olds
2) one way could be putting out a post on social media to ask about the appeal of the avatars to the audience and this is suitable because it could be targeting followers of simmilar fashion brands - another way could be holding a focus group with people from the target audience and this is suitabe because you get a direct qualitative response
3) i)interviewing other app developers
ii)analysis of fashion apps of apps with avatars
iii) Questionare to users of the target age group on how they engage with apps
4a) i) Annotations are one aspect of a visualisation diagram, Aurora would need to use these to explain shape and size choices of the avatar so space and layout can be finalised by Marcus
ii) use of placeholders are one aspect of a visualisation diagram Aurora would need these so the client could see how she would combine the avatar with existing house style features, such as the logo
iii) Another element of a visualisation diagram is diagrams and images to show what you are visualising Aurora will need this to have an image in her head of what the final product will look like and this will help with thinking of ideas
4b) a sitemap could be a suitable document this is because it will show the navigation of the app 1) giving an indication of how the choices made across pages link to the final purchase (1
• A wireframe could be a suitable document (1). This is because it will show basic structure of each page on the app and particularly where the carousels of fashion will appear (1) allowing the client to see the size of the avatar functions against other components (1).
• Data protection of the customer. (1) Marcus would need to ensure that no personal information of a customer can be viewed by another user (1) to prevent financial or identity theft. (1)
• Copyright of assets and infringement (1). It is important that all of Aurora’s final designs are checked by Marcus against other avatars and logos to avoid copying an existing design (1) as this could lead to a lawsuit or fine. (1).
• Ensuring the imagery reflect diverse ethnicities (1). If the app doesn’t demonstrate that it caters for a range of cultures (1) then potential members of the target market may be alienated (1).
• Ensuring that the avatar has the ability to reflect a range of body sizes and shapes of people of different weights and heights (1). If this is not offered then customers may feel the fashion brand is not inclusive (1) and decide to shop elsewhere with the potential of leaving a poor review (1).
1b - 5b don't answer
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