Client briefs

 A brief is a document or a request outlining what needs to be produced with the requirements 


Formal: based on a scheduled meeting between client and producer. client outlines their requirements for the product. Written documentation is provided for the meeting setting out the rules and regulations to be followed. the meeting allows detail to be looked at and follow up meetings to be arranged. this can also be done by video conferencing. 

Informal: The client will discuss their requirements during a telephone call. there will be no documentation provided, with the client and the producer coming to a verbal agreement about the product to be produced 

Negotiated: The client and producer work together to develop a breif for the project and digital media products. discussions take place where the various aims and objectives are agreed before anything is formally written down 

Contractual: the brief is outlined within a contract of employment 

Tender: A client publishes an advert making clear they need media product to be created, and requests bids from production companies. production companies then sending in their brief or pitch in response, detailing estimated costs, timescales and how the product will be produced. 

Commissioned: A client hires a separate independent media company to create a media product for them. the media company will for their own research, create a proposal and do the planning doe the project. the product will be developed based on this. A commissioner from the client oversees all of this.


Create and advert for our short film to be distributed on social media

Target: 18-23 asian decent - working class 

main message: the short film is for a niche audience - not to rob Ethan Stollar as he is a ninja and will kick the shit out of you

Advertising: on social media platforms using both below and above the line advertising 

Key words: ninja, Ethan, 


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