Revenue streams

What financial options are there for you?

Every project needs finance and this comes through streams of revenue. these come with risk, unpredictability and return.

Things that affect the type of finance that can be used/attracted:
size of organisation

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and alternative finance. In 2015, over US$34 billion was raised worldwide by crowdfunding.


  • it is more efficient
  • It dukes as marketing and media exposure 
  • There is no big loss if it fails 
  • Generally online 
  • Everyone is happy 

Money that is given, usually by a company, to support a person, organisation or activity. It can be the act of providing money for a product such as: a television, radio programme 

  • Tv shows may have a sponsor to have an ad in the break 

Types of revenue 
  • Sponsorship - payment for a brand association with the final product 
  • Crowdfunding - funding from a wide variety of public of public sources using social media promotion 
  • Corporate finance - money injected by businesses convinced the project is a good investment and will provide a good return over a lengthy period of tine 
  • Advertising - payment for brand placement within a media product 
  • Franchising - The intellectual property of the original product is licensed to other partners for commercial use like merchandising in return for a fee or share of resulting revenue 

AD: this is under the film section meaning the people accessing this will be interested in film's therefore the AD for a writing system will be aimed at that audience who like films and scripts 

Sponser: This was a article about backpacking and at the bottom were the 'best' backpacks which u could purchase from the bottom of the page

AD: this is an add for women clothing on the mirror website as the readership of the mirror is mainly women this will be targeted at them 

Sponser: These companies have sponsored the articles and therefore they were put up on the guardian website as a sponsorship for the companies that have paid such as HSBC paying for an article about being homeless. 

What is crowdfunding ?

- Banks consider start ups and new ventures to risky
- This is because of economic downturn
- Donation model - people can donate money in small amounts to support a venture
- Solution- reward based model where investors get satisfaction of helping by getting an reward
- Equity model - people invest small amounts funding start ups - with the expectance to get a financial gain
- Crowdfunding has grown at the same rate of internet usage

1.How much money were they asking for?
2.How much did they get?
3.How many backers were there?
4.Who is the director and why is this important?
Vincent Reagen it is important as you know him and then will make you more likely to back the project
5.How else is the project being funded?
By pledgers 
6.What was the funding for?
Pre production materials 
7.Why do you think this was successful in gaining funding?
It has famous actors and a director with a large fan base who will be willing to fund this project 

8.What has happened since it was funded?
The film was made 

1) complete script including description of sounds 

2) folders of images/assets to include 

Top 10 tips for making films with no money 

1) go to a bank and ask for a grant or loan 
2) sign up to gofund me page to try and make money 


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